Five Ways to Claim Your Worth
Not too long ago, I talked with a group of people about worth, what it means and if they were claiming their worth in this space and time. Many of them stated that they were not claiming their worth and in fact, they were working through past hurts that were impacting the way they thought about themselves today.
Worth is defined as the level at which someone deserves value.
I have to say that we all are deserving, we all are worthy and we all are valuable. Yet, how do you know you are worthy when you have had so many down moments or experiences working hard to keep you down?
I believe you have to become truly aware of where you are, acknowledge where you are and begin the journey of healing.
When I talk about acknowledging where you are, it does not mean that I am encouraging you to stay where you are. I am not. I am encouraging you to be very clear of your moment and experiences now so that you can think about where you want to be and the exact steps you need to take to get there.
So what else can you do to begin the steps to claiming your worth. I am going to share 5 ways and I invite you to choose one thing you can do today, this week, to help you begin the process of claiming your worth. You must also know that your journey today will impact your next week, your next month and your future.
So let’s go through each step.
1. Know your experiences and understand the impact these experiences have had on you. If you need extra support in this area, I always recommend talking with a counselor or therapist. Be sure to get in touch with one if you need support.
2. Know that you get to define who you are in this moment. Your past trauma or mistakes do not have to define who you become or the next steps you choose to take. You get to choose.
3. Share your truth. Own who you are and allow yourself to be vulnerable enough to share your own journey. Vulnerability increases our sense of worthiness and authenticity. Vulnerability helps us feel close and connected to others, yet achieve our own sense of identity. Why? Because it helps you clarify what you want. You are then able to ask for what you need when in spaces of vulnerability….acknowledge, accept and become aware of what is happening with and for you. This opens the opportunity for a shift.
4. Take care of your needs. When we were young, there were needs that we had that did not get met. Even later in our adult lives or when we went through something that impacted us. There was a need missed or one of our values were not respected. Review what your deep need was. Ask yourself, what did I need during that time? From today forward, make a declaration that you will give yourself what you need.
5. Communicate your needs to others around you so that they know and can do something about what is happening or what needs to change. If they are not in a place of respecting what you need, this is a time where you take a rest or a break and come back to engagement when you both are respecting what you need. In this time, it is important to honor what you need. This will aid your healing and begin to claim your worth.
Your journey to clarity and vision needs you to do this work.
Wishing you deep self-love and inner light,