Move Beyond Fear

Many of my clients have expressed their fears about taking action or creating their vision during the first or second session with me. When this happens, I share my  Managing Your Fear  experience with them and we walk through a process of deciding what they want to do about their fears.

The  Managing Your Fear  experience shows my clients that with or without fear, they have the capacity and ability to create their next steps and take action. Then they begin to take consistent action and create different results.

After moving beyond fear, my clients have reached their goals of starting a business, booking multiple five figure clients — this includes my clients creating $25K+ months, or starting their consulting/speaking business and being well on their way to booking engagements at $3,000+ per  engagement.

The truth is that fear can hold us back from taking action to reaching our goals, yet this does not need to be our reality. We can shift this, by acknowledging the fear and taking action anyway or we can change our energies or perspectives around fear and create openness, acceptance and love on our journey to creating our dreams. This is what my clients have continued to do.

I, too, know all about this. In 2008, I started in my  coaching business with confidence, knowing that I had gifts and talents, experience and knowledge that could help others live  full, loving and engaging lives.  I also came into contact with fear of  judgement based on  conditioning around if I was humble enough... Question: who needs to be "humble enough" in business?... okay back to the conversation around moving beyond fear…

This fear and way of thinking almost stopped me in my definitely slowed me down.  While being fearful of what other people  might think of me and my work, I missed opportunities to  share my gifts fully with others. I also missed out on growing my business and reaching my business goals  during the  years I allowed fear to slow me down. I learned from this. I  realized that I had to move beyond my fear, understand  that my gifts are to be shared with others...yes, those I am here to serve and I had to take consistent action to reach my goals. I took action and connected with more of my ideal clients and began sharing more about who I am and the work I do.

Today, I have an amazing six figure coaching business  that is growing. I am reaching new milestones every day!

Based on my knowledge, experience, skills and new perspective, I am continuing to help my clients move beyond their fears and create a business that nurtures their calling while helping them to make a bigger impact in the lives they are meant to serve. This is love. This is support. This is purpose fulfilled for me.

What about you? How are you moving beyond your fears today?

Know you can become aware of your fear. Do that. Then decide what you want to do with your fear. Finally, take action anyway.

Every day is for you to be and create what you are here to be and do!

Let's continue to move beyond!


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